

Disallow missing var function for custom properties.

    :root { --foo: red; }
a { color: --foo; }
/** ↑
* This custom property */

This rule has the following limitations:

  • It only reports custom properties that are defined within the same source.
  • It does not check properties that can contain author-defined identifiers, e.g. transition-property.

The message secondary option can accept the arguments of this rule.



The following patterns are considered problems:

:root { --foo: red; }
a { color: --foo; }
@property --foo {}
a { color: --foo; }

The following patterns are not considered problems:

:root { --foo: red; }
a { color: var(--foo); }
@property --foo {}
a { color: var(--foo); }
@property --foo {}
a { transition-property: --foo; }